Mike's Supervalue had a grand opening celebration with these dressed up people and Violet thought she'd died and went to Heaven! Thankfully, they snapped this picture of her and her favorite character so she can carry the laminated picture around with her. Frankly, I think the pig is a little scary looking!
I don't think I would have known that was a pig if you hadn't said it! It is freaky looking :-) I am surprised any little kid would be drawn to that, let alone carry it's picture around :-)
i agree with the scary part. It came into Larsens (along with the cheetah) and i was (very oddly) overcome with fear and had to get AWAY from them both. something about people dressed up..
No kidding! She loved that thing!
I'm with you Karmen, don't like the dressed up big clown type faces/people
Funny! We took Kate & Jack to see Disney on Ice & had backstage passes to see Mickey etc. All the other kids are thrilled & there was Kate & Jack cowering and trying not to cry. When I questianed Jack, he said "His head is just too big!"
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